The Husk Organization

The Implications of deforestation

There was once a place where greed thrived. A place where hunger and obesity existed in tandem. Where once roads of green and forest filled with life, became paths of concrete and destruction, driving its power wherever it turned. The skies once bearing fresh rainfall and snow, now precipitated acid, and chemical compounds that hurt all it touched. Forests and jungles bearing fruits of all shapes and tastes, now regimented with armies of trees and crops, single filed awaiting their master’s signal. Animals lived in prisons their whole lives until they became fat enough to be slaughtered. Humans lived in prisons too, within their own minds, in a society where growth and value was based on how much currency one held clenched in their hand; as if it were more precious than life itself.

 This place ended miserably. The poor became poorer, the rich richer. Neither found joy in their world, for their lives limited, the struggle for more and survival the main priorities. Lifes foundation of growth was suffering. 

Deforestation will be the end of the world as we know it. Technology, Artificial intelligence, Electric Cars, Solar panels, Hydropower, Nuclear energy, Geoengineering all mean nothing if we do not protect biodiversity, our natural ecology, and our forests. The consequences of deforestation are well known – devastating flooding, landslides, global warming, pollution, death.

Instead of focusing on the way our globalized system is heading, the people have to steer the ship in the right direction. As Global leaders/corporations continue (and will continue) to deforest and allow deforestation to occur, it is in the hands of society to make change. Awareness is useless without action. As we all to some degree exist as hypocrites, it is up to us collectively to work towards afforesting our World, and within our circles speaking about deforestation and the seriousness of the issue. No one person can change the world, but if the majority of humanity come together, and do their part, there is hope for a future, not just for us, but our future kin. 

  • Use your homes and garden spaces effectively and plant your own food forests, putting less pressure on natural habitats. Biodiverse spaces are more beautiful than bare grass.
  • Purchase foods and products wisely. Understand where products you use come from, and how they are produced.
  • Boycott corporations/organizations who are deforesting – causing harm to the environment and living beings.
  • Help the younger generations understand the seriousness of deforestation.
  • Preserve our natural habitats. 
  • Vote for what is right, and support organizations/government bodies who are working for positive changes.
  • Be aware that your actions always have a reaction.