The Husk Organization

Change the world

I am writing these blogs freehand, from the heart, in aim to provoke thought and catalyze conversation. Some of these topics may appear contentious but understand, that we must experience discomfort to come up with solutions together to achieve a world of peace for all. One of our goals at The Husk Organization is to catalyze social reform, expand our collaborative consciousness as one human race, for all living beings – even for those whom do not have a voice to speak. These views are the views of my own, and I wish not to push my beliefs on anyone, the aim of these blogs is to raise questions, and gain a better understanding of all subjective views, and the objective view of the reality of the universe.

Amidst the pandemic we are currently living through, as much pain and suffering it has caused us, this virus has taught us important lessons of what life really means. For much of the year, we have been under lockdown, much like caged animals, we have had to find other ways to fulfil our desires, please our senses, and find fulfillment without the materiality that exists in our external world – and even how animals may feel with us humans moving more into the natural habitats, building our civilizations for our own benefit, rather than living as one. 

We live in a world of greed, selfishness, taint, and suffering. Equality is the last thing on a list of many global priorities before it. With so much money in this world, we still have people starving, we still have slavery, we still have those without water, we still have homelessness, war. What is important? In each moment we breathe, someone dies, and someone is born. That is the balance of our world, and nothing is going to change our world, until we change ourselves. Our perspectives. If we all be a little kinder, think a little less of ourselves, and a little more of our neighbor, you will find peace in yourself. Peace in the eyes of all. 

I often hear, that those with less are happier than those with all the possessions in the world. The thing is these are all objects. Materials – that we don’t take with our soul after we leave this body. The irony of our world is such that the poor have to walk miles to get food, but those with basic comforts have to walk miles to burn calories. Let’s ask ourselves, are we living as humans correctly as God intended us to? 

Our world goes through cycles, known in Sanskrit as Samsara – The cycle of life and death bound to this material world. Our human race has existed over 100s of thousands of years as far as we know – are we the wisest we have ever been throughout all our generations of humanity? 

Yes, we can perform incredible surgeries that can bring the dead back, we can drive electric cars, fly on planes to anywhere in the world in under 24 hours. But we destroy everything in our path, we use products that cannot be disposed of, we farm animals in cages to eat without any morality towards them and their lives, we pollute our air, waters, lands, deforest the lungs of our world, the list goes on. We all know the pain we cause to mother nature, and to other living beings; including other humans.

 So, are we living as God intended, are we the proprietary owner of all land and sentient beings? I don’t believe so. 

But what can we do? How can we change the world?  We can’t change our situation, and we live in this present moment, with all the problems we have on hand. We keep looking for external things to change – lets change the way we drive, lets change the way we communicate, lets change the type of power we use… 

But are we ever really changing ourselves? 

Take a moment and look at the person in the mirror, are we changing ourselves? Our perspectives, our beliefs, our way of life? 

Start with a step towards creating that change. What does your soul tell you? Do some introspection and live this life the best you can. We have future generations to come, how can we change the world for the betterment of our future kin, and their children to come. I know I wouldn’t give my child something that is broken and expect them to fix it. I’d try first.

Love all of creation as you love yourself. This life is a sacred gift. Sending you all my well wishes.

Chavez Selvaratnam